Cracking The Success Formula with Ani Doycheva – An Inspirational Story from Bulgaria

Ani Doycheva is a Bulgarian girl with great aims and beautiful ideals and she is planning to make them come true. In this interview, she is revealing a lot of her formula for success in life. Enjoy reading!

Hello Ani, could you briefly present yourself to the audience? What have you studied, what are your interests and everything you consider as important?

A picture of Ani Doycheva Hello 🙂

I am a positive realist, open-minded, always searching for self-development. I believe that values are what matter in life and we have to know them and find the best way to live through them because this makes us and our life worthy. I learned what exactly values are and what their purpose is in the Course where I was certified as an NLP Master Practitioner with Coaching skills. What really drives me and gives meaning to my life is my ability to help people grow, realize and develop themselves through the Coaching approach.

What really drives me is my ability to help people grow, realize and develop themselves through the Coaching approach.

I believe this is the path on which we do realize that it does not matter what we think we are, we are much beyond that. The only thing we need to do is to have faith in ourselves and let our potential live and grow so that we will have it materialized in our mind, work and life.

Remember that our thoughts shape us and our life because focusing on something we will receive it sooner or later, no matter if it is positive or negative.

As a Bachelor of Economics and NLP Master practitioner I believe and I am working on finding the path through which I am going to reach my Goal and to live through my values in the way because this is how we become who we are and leave an imprint.

Sounds great! But first, let me ask you, what was the thing that has ignited your interest in coaching?

Well, this question makes me think about what was the trigger .. it was actually my need and desire to develop myself beyond the barriers that were set in my childhood and that are occasionally set in the society. What is more, developing myself through developing others makes me fulfilled and happy, some of my best friends are used to say “Ani, likes putting people’s life in the right direction.” 😀

Developing Myself Through Developing Others Makes Me Fulfilled & Happy

To be honest, I was looking for quite a long time for the way to HOW I was going to make it. I have always known that I am like the herald of the change for the people who had the opportunity to touch my soul. If you meet me, you are going to change for the better : ) And so the trigger came one day when one of my friends brought me “accidentally”  to one presentation which was about goals and goal setting. The woman who was presenting it caught my eye and you know that strange feeling that makes you say to yourself “Yes, this is my thing!”. You can easily guess that this woman became my NLP Trainer a little later : )

Yes, seems the childhood determines a lot of things. I was thinking for this issue recently. I think parenthood is like math or any other subject you need to first learn in order to do it right. Could you reveal to the audience the last interesting case you had with someone who was looking for advice from you?

Yes, I agree that childhood determines a lot for the future life of the adult, however, this more like a psychological, not a coaching issue.

Thinking on the answer to your question comes to my mind that coaching is not giving advice but helping the client find their answers within their mind, soul and heart. The coach does not have the answers, they just ask questions and the mastery comes when I ask the right questions in that specific moment that make the breakthrough for the client. This is actually the core moment when you see the result of the partnership.

About the issues I helped I would keep it as the coaching practice suggests confidentiality.

I see! Wow… this concept is amazing! I think there’s a lot of work for you out there. And how actually someone looking for such kind of coaching might find you and request a live or online session with you?

Well, it is really easy to find me – just e-mail me at anidoycheva3 (at) and after that we will arrange everything needed for our future partnership.

Great! You told me you finished a course. However what’s your strategy to keep yourself in shape? Share your success formula –  do you read any specific literature or do you practice so that allows you to gain experience?

I believe that the right formula is Theory + Practice + Focus = Excellence.

Talking about Theory – I used to read a lot of books teaching on which is the most successful way of thinking, how to be positive and win over the difficulties in life. For some time now I am eager to deepen myself in more specific topics and gain scientifically-proved knowledge – like details on non-verbal, paraverbal and verbal communication, how the brain works and what makes people perceive their world the way they do.

Theory + Practice + Focus = Excellence

Talking about Practice – I am the Sales Executive of a new Model for Business Development in a young company where I am starting the project from the scratch. My role is to recruit, train and develop the people who are working with us. We believe we have a different approach towards employees as the main idea of the project is People Development. I have always thought that one of the steps in my strategy towards my Coaching career is working in such a company where I would be able to contribute and gain experience. Another part of my practicing is with my friends and acquaintances who need this kind of partnership and assistance.

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